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Tree of Life Nursery

Wildflower Seeds - Nature Mix

Wildflower Seeds - Nature Mix

Regular price $7.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $7.50 USD
Sale Sold out

Nature mix is a great mix for habitat gardens and will attract a variety of pollinators to your yard.

Price Per Ounce – $7.50

One ounce covers about 125 sqft

If you’d like 5 lb or more, please email us @

Botanic Name
Common Name
Flower Color
Life Cycle
Clarkia bottae Farewell-to-Spring Pink Annual
Clarkia unguiculata Mountain Garland mixed Annual/Biennial
Eschscholzia californica California Poppy Orange Annual
Linum lewisii Blue Flax Light Blue Perennial
Lotus scoparius Deer Weed Yellow Perennial
Lupinus bicolor Miniature Lupine White w/Blue Annual
Mimulus puniceus Bush Monkeyflower Red Perennial
Nemophila maculata Five Spot White w/Purple Annual
Nemophila menziesii Baby Blue Eyes Light Blue Annual
Oenothera elata Yellow Evening Primrose Yellow Perennial
Penstemon centranthifolius Scarlet Bugler Red Perennial
Phacelia campanularia Canterbury Bells Violet Blue Annual


Planting instructions: Seedbed or area to be seeded should be prepared by light cultivation and weed removal. Optimum planting season is November 15 through March 31, just prior to anticipated rain. Broadcast seed evenly over soil surface. Rake the area lightly to incorporate seed into the top 1/4″- 1/2″ of soil. A top dressing of composted organic mulch (not manure) is recommended to help maintain even moisture during the germination period.
Maintenance: Irrigate just enough (between rains) to maintain soil moisture during
germination. After germination until initial flowering, sprinkle the area to a depth of about 2″.
After flowering, little to no supplemental water should be needed.

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